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Boss Babe

3 Podcast Recommendations for Female Entrepreneurs

Podcasts for Entrepreneurs

I really started listening to podcasts sometime in late 2020. I started working at a new job at VCU in the outpatient orthopedic department. Working downtown typically means one thing – limited parking. Thankfully I have a lot I can park in but it is 1/2 mile away from my office. There are shuttles from the lot to the department I work in but I try to walk when the weather permits. My commute to work can take anywhere from 30-40 minutes {including driving + walking time}, so I am always listening to something to help pass the time.

As many of you may know, I am hoping to break out of the 9-5 job one day + own my own business or two! Right now I am focusing on building this blog but I hope to one day also own my own fitness studio! With my entrepreneurial mindset, I have a lot of ideas but also no clue where to take action when thinking up a business plan. Building a business looks different for everyone, but I want to create a foundation that is stable. I have found a few podcasts that help me to take specific action steps toward building this solid foundation + they encourage me along the way. I’m sharing them here in this post in hopes you’ll find encouragement too, especially for any entrepreneurs out there!

Earn Your Happy with Lori Harding

Earn Your Happy touches on a little bit of everything from growing a business, to mindset strategies, to relationships. This podcast provides practical tips to work toward a life you want to live. Most episodes are quick enough to listen on the car ride to work {which Lori refers to as quickies} but some feature guests that dive deep into topics with strategies for growth based on personal experience. Lori updates the podcast fairly often, so there is always fresh content relatable to the here + now. I highly recommend starting with this one for all things personal development!

EmpowerHer with Kacia Fitzgerald

If you need a personal hype woman, Kacia is your girl! Her energy can be felt through each episode of her podcast. The EmpowerHer podcast is all about practicality + the specific action steps we can take to get from where we are to where we want to be. The episodes typically center around building a business + mindset, but she touches on personal life as well. My favorite episodes are her Pep Talks that are short + sweet {usually 20 mins or less} + light a fire under your booty to conquer the day! She uploads episodes twice a week + with over 350 episodes, there is no shortage of inspiration she has to offer.

She Did It Her Way with Amanda Boleyn

One of the challenges that comes with trying to break the 9-5 traditional work mold is the fear of change + unknowns. The She Did It Her Way podcast focuses on just that. The episodes are insightful + boost confidence to really step out of the comfort zone. Amanda shares her honest personal experience with leaving her 9-5, the ups + downs that come with owning a business, productivity tips + tricks, + interviews other female entrepreneurs on their journeys. Although Amanda stopped recording episodes at the end of 2021, her stories + interviews are relevant to any woman wanting to take a step into the entrepreneurial world.

I hope you find the business strategies, tips, + action steps helpful in each of these podcasts! Let me know if you have another to add to the list!



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